If 2019 was year of the "S" brick, developed by Dick Newell of Action for Swifts (see below), then what advances in nest site technology can we expect in 2020?
In the past one of the commonest places for Swifts to breed was under open eaves with the nest on top of the wall plate. As part of the trend towards making properties increasingly less-wildlife friendly most eaves are now closed, so denying Swifts the opportunities they once had. The nest box illustrated below was also developed by Dick Newell and is an eaves version of the "S" brick and provides an enclosed nest chamber resting on the soffit.
This product is now in the prototype stage and Hampshire Swifts will soon have examples to show interested parties. The primary use of these boxes will be in new-build housing developments as well as on properties where soffits are undergoing replacement.
For a more detailed description of the box see the Action for Swifts link