Tomorrow marks the start of Swift Awareness Week and this coincides with the most active phase of the Swift breeding cycle.
Breeding Swifts will be working hard to feed their young, so making visits back to the nest site more frequent and non-breeding Swifts will be making their presence felt in the form of low-level screaming parties, the distinctive behaviour indicating the presence of active nests in the vicinity.
Hampshire Swifts has been running the Hampshire Swift survey since 2016 and every nest site we log helps to conserve Swifts
In some areas we have a good idea of the location and numbers of breeding Swifts but in others we have little if any information so can you help us by checking your local area for breeding Swifts in the next week or two? Full instructions on what to look out for, when and how to submit data can be obtained via the link to the survey
In addition we are looking to run a few surveys at specific locations, notably in Woolston, Alresford and Fareham. If you are able to participate in one of these surveys please email with details of which area you can best cover.