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More homes for Swifts at St Michaels Church, Cheriton

Swifts have nested at Cheriton Church for a long time, just as they have in many churches around the country. A small number, just three pairs, access their nests in the eaves on the north elevation by entering above the oak wall plate that sits on top of the flint walls.

Three pairs of Swifts nest in the Church
Three pairs of Swifts nest in the Church

Four years ago I heard of plans to carry out necessary repairs to the flint walls but various factors have delayed the work being carried out – until now. Since 2018 more flints have fallen out causing several large holes at the top of the flint wall. This has largely been caused by the numerous local hooligans on the block – Jackdaws! We have liaised closely with the Church and arranged for four concrete nest entrances manufactured by Dick Newell of Action for Swifts to be installed by Tony the bricklayer, working for Busbys Builders.

Tony at work
Tony at work

The work has now been carried out and Tony has done a great job installing two entrances on the north side and two on the south. He also formed some new nest sites above the wall plate, first removing the sticks that the Jackdaws had placed inside and then reducing the hole entrance size a little.

New Swift brick entrance installed
New Swift brick entrance installed

Our thanks to Simon Scott and Paul Hellard from the Church, Tony the bricklayer from Busbys Builders. And To Dick Newell for making the Swifts entrances.

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